An Afternoon of Exploring the Application of Polyvagal Theory to Coaching with Kerry Cullen and sandrA dUNSMORE

When: Thursday 5th October 2023 (places are limited)

Where: Zoom

WHY WE ARE SO EXCITED about this offering…..

After living and working in a pandemic world, and now with rising complexity, you may be noticing a sea change in the nature of the challenges that your teams are facing, and that you may well be experiencing yourself.

Polyvagal Theory is a scientific theory that helps us understand the biological basis of all human social behaviour and provides a lens that can help us to navigate these challenges for ourselves, and support others as they navigate challenge. It is a new frontier in the leadership world.

 Working in close collaboration with Stephen Porges, who developed Polyvagal Theory, clinician and author Deb Dana has over the last decade played a pivotal role in bringing applied Polyvagal Theory into a therapeutic context and, in recent years, to a general audience.

Our first online offering, was a 5 month programme, endorsed by Deb Dana. It specifically designed for coaches. We have also been bringing Polyvagal theory into organisations including as Trinity College, Dublin, Google and the Irish Health Service and the charity sector.

This is the first iteration of a 3 hour introduction to this approach for people in or aspiring to positions of leadership.  


·       Are you a coach interested in somatic approaches?

·       Are you curious about how Polyvagal Theory could deepen and enhance your coaching presence?

·       Are you interested in a exploration that has been designed specifically for coaches?

·       Do you like to learn experientially and in community?



This is an invitation into a small cohort of coaches to explore using the lens of PVT to:

·       explore a practical framework to enhance your capacity to be present

·       discover and integrate additional ways to support your team/colleagues/clients in achieving positive and sustainable change



When coaches understand how their nervous systems work and impact their lives on a daily, and even minute-to-minute basis, huge insights and changes can follow.

 Here is what Hetty Einzig, Director of Publications Strategy and Executive Editor of Coaching Perspectives (Associatiof Coaching global magazine) has to say:

 "I loved it! ….It’s a joy working with Sandra and Kerry – they convey the theory clearly and lightly with elegant models and interaction – all at a beautiful pace that honours digestion! PVT is the critical frontier that can enable coaching fit for the global challenges we now face.”




Thursday 5th October 2023 2:30 pm to 5:30 pm

Investment: €80.00 plus 23 percent VAT (€98.40)

What people say about our programmes……..

“A wonderfully thought-provoking course that will have a lasting impact on my way of being both personally and professionally. My leadership coaching practice has definitely been enriched by its new Polyvagal lens.”

“It has been I think one of the very best, perhaps the best, training that I have ever attended, (and I have attended a lot of training)…… All of the theory seems to resonate so quickly and so powerfully, for me, for other participants, for coaching clients.  It brings us home to something that on some level(s) we already know.  It gives us a language and it provides opportunities to live more easefully, more fully and in more satisfying ways in our relationships and in our world.  Clients are already finding it invaluable.”

“I appreciated being within a deeply enriching, supportive, easeful learning experience – with active participation – and space to process.  The first, incredibly valuable, aspect for me was ‘being present’ – actually arriving and ‘landing on the mat’. Creating space and time for my own learning. I learned by experiencing: the content, the group and your collective enabling presence. I enjoyed the basic format, rhythm of the programme, as well as the content and dynamic within each session. I find it hard to express in words the incredible benefit I have gained from this learning experience. I also know (,whilst I beat myself up on the practice side’) that this is just a beginning. The real immersion in the possibilities is to come.”